I bought this awesome app called "Japanese" for my iTouch. It's really handy because you can search for words, find kanjis by writing them yourself - like if you're walking somewhere let's say Harajuku and you see a kanji you can't recognize you just simply write it with your finger on your iPod and there will be an explanation (or several) on your iTouch! Isn't that great? I might not even have to buy that Electronic Dictionary and it would be nice if I didn't have to because it would save me loads of money.
Now, I got a message from my contactperson at Blueberry and she told me I had to add an extra 3295 kr ( = 410 USD ) for the course fee since the Japanese ¥ has increased considerably. I seriously hope that Japanese ¥ won't be too strong compared to the Swedish Krona because that'd totally ruin my Tokyo budget. Please God in heaven or anyone, stable the finance! I don't know if I mentioned that I paid the deposit which was 30 000¥. I paid it yesterday and I made sure that it was like "urgent" so the company will probably get it soon and I hope everything will be fine.
I can't believe that it's less than a month left before I leave for the land of the rising sun and the metropol of Asia. Seriously, a dream come true. Can someone please poke on me so I know that I'm not dreaming? Well, maybe I am dreaming. Anyway, I will go watch ブザー・ビート now.
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