fredag 26 november 2010

Shibuya, simply

Two weeks ago after school I went to eat at a Korean restaurant with my two classmates - Yoojin and Esther! It was a restaurant near school because we were too lazy to look for some other ones. After that we moved to Shinjuku and went to a really luxurious karaoke (though it was really cheap!).

When we had been singing for an hour we separated and I walked to Shibuya where I was going to meet up with Matilda and the guys that nanpa'd me and Rei on Waseda University. We met up at Hachiko and went to a real cheap izakaya and just had really fun there, talking, drinking and I practiced my Japanese again! (^-^)Y

Me and Matilda headed back to Hachiko after that and met up with Fredrik and c.o! I hadn't met neither Jennifer nor Leon for a while and it was nice to see them again. Leon with his perfect smile and cute Jennifer with her long hair! Of course it was great to see Fredrik too. We planned to go to karaoke all of us but that didn't really happen because we got distracted along the way and decided to take purikura all of us. The two posing guys are guys that I saw inside the purikura place and they just stood there and looked cool at me and I was like "agepoyo!" and they screamed and like "OMG WOOOOW!" that a gaijin knows it then I asked if it's OK to take picture of them. Haha, hilarious. Fun day!

Midterm test & meeting hanging out in Shinjuku :)

Some weeks ago (again, haha) I had a midterm test and I got 89/100 on grammar and 82/100 on kanjis. Somehow I was satisfied anyway, though I always want to get above 90% and that is my goal for the final test for level 2. Level 2 is way harder than level 1 but I think it's nice because I really feel like I learn valuable stuff.

After the test I met up with Malin and I went with her to the hospital because she had to take out some documents and do a check. We planned to eat after that but Malin didn't have money so I met up with Daun, Frankie and Sou and we went to eat Korean food in Shinookubo, at that point I hadn't been eating Korean food since forever. It was delicious bulgogi that I ate and it was at a restaurant close to Daun's house! (y)

When we got full me, Frankie and Daun walked to Shinjuku to look for a present for Frankie's mother. He went to the Commes de gracons store and bought her a nice piece, I'm sure she will be happy. After that we headed to Starbucks that is close to Forever 21 and Frankie bought us coffee, such a nice guy . . . seriously. Starbucks is everywhere in Japan and it's so easy to access. Though it's really bad for one's wallet.

Waseda University's school festival

Waseda is Japan's best private University together with Keio University and me and my friend Rei went there. Though I came too late so I kind of missed the whole event. . . therefore I don't have many pictures of it, sorry guys. Though they also had some concert-thing and foods of course. I think the school festivals are all the same overall, though just too a different extent.

However, this time me and Rei got nanpa'd by three different groups of guys. First were two guys who approached us and wanted to tell us about an event that was a semi-Christmas party for Japanese University students and also for exchange students. Somehow, we changed numbers with them and I actually went drinking with them some week ago with another friend called Matilda. It was really nice and I got to practice my Japanese, yay!

Then there were two guys from Todai who I think never did nanpa in their whole life. They came up to us and were like
"What is your name?"
"What is your hobby?"
"What is your number?", we were a bit shocked and it felt a little bit like speed dating. After that two older guys came up to us and we almost ran away. Thank god a cellphone number is only a cellphone number and you can decide whether you want to contact someone again or not (y)

However, Waseda is a really beautiful school I must say. The architecture is a bit European-alike, Keio University is also like that.