My dear friend and crew-mate for life visited Tokyo for some time to follow Dir en grey on their tour, enjoy life and do some shopping - it's Kiri that I'm talking about! Thanks to Kiri and her friend (well, my friend too lol) Crystal I got to see Dir en grey live again but this time in Japan. It was an amazing experience and it was definitely very different from seeing them in Europe, they seemed more at home and their fans are totally different from European ones. A funny thing to mention about that is that I got so shocked because Japanese girls have such high voices everywhere here and then I went to this Dir en grey live and all the girls' voices were super low and when they screamed for the band they sounded like growling monsters - extremely funny and cool at the same time.
Anyhow, while Kiri was here we went to party at Morph. Morph is a club in Shibuya that my friends' friend from 109-2 works at. Morph is located in Roppongi and a lot of gyaru-o people go there (ok, 80% of the people there are gyaru-o's working at 109-1 or 109-2). However, I must say that it was a fun evening except from the fact that my usual tiredness hit me and I went to the clean toilets sat on the floor and slept for 3 hours. Then I woke up when someone started knocking on the door and I opened and was like all "DAIJYOUBUUU DAYOOO"! So I just went back to the dance floor and started dancing and suddenly I realized that no one I knew was there but I didn't bother (thank you alcohol). Then out of nowhere came Shin (Fredrik's friend who works there) and he was like "Anica! Where have you been! Everyone are looking for you! :O" and I thought I had only slept for 10 minutes or something and then I realize it's like 5 am in the morning and apparently everyone had been looking for me, how typical me. Though before that I must say that the night was successful and Kiri made my make-up so nice and I was so happy to party with her. We both changed so much since last time when we met, we're just becoming girlier.
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