Some weeks ago (again, haha) I had a midterm test and I got 89/100 on grammar and 82/100 on kanjis. Somehow I was satisfied anyway, though I always want to get above 90% and that is my goal for the final test for level 2. Level 2 is way harder than level 1 but I think it's nice because I really feel like I learn valuable stuff.
After the test I met up with Malin and I went with her to the hospital because she had to take out some documents and do a check. We planned to eat after that but Malin didn't have money so I met up with Daun, Frankie and Sou and we went to eat Korean food in Shinookubo, at that point I hadn't been eating Korean food since forever. It was delicious bulgogi that I ate and it was at a restaurant close to Daun's house! (y)
When we got full me, Frankie and Daun walked to Shinjuku to look for a present for Frankie's mother. He went to the Commes de gracons store and bought her a nice piece, I'm sure she will be happy. After that we headed to Starbucks that is close to Forever 21 and Frankie bought us coffee, such a nice guy . . . seriously. Starbucks is everywhere in Japan and it's so easy to access. Though it's really bad for one's wallet.
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