I finally got my tests results today and I felt quite proud - 93.3%! That's really good I think, at least for someone as me, haha. Congratulations to me and my other classmates who did very well too. Level 2 starts next Wednesday and until then I will be free to do whatever I want and FINALLY sleep enough.
So, today I met up with Eunkyum in Harajuku and first we went to a Chinese restaurant to have lunch. I have never been eating like real Chinese food, only the westernized one that I can find in Sweden. The noodle-soup was made of pure awesome and the buns just made my heart melt... I need to travel to China sometime, seriously. Also, me and Eunkyum decided that we will go to Thailand for vacation in 2 years maybe! That must be so much fun, let's lose weight so we can wear bikini ne? HAHA.
I did some serious shopping today and I bought a pair of new sneakers. I threw away my zebra ones because they were mad dirty and I only use my white converse now (that look more grey than white). I also ended up buying a small kit for making accessories and I was so happy when Eunkyum found that for me on LOFT, awesome! Other than that I bought stockings, a new bracelet (LOVE IT... a bit Frankie-style over it tho, haha!) and some food from a supermarket near my house. I ended up buying loads of noodles since I haven't been eating noodles since forever and suddenly after the taste of heaven (=noodles) on the Chinese restaurant I went crazy! Say hi to noodle-week 2010.
Btw, I forgot to mention that I met Nao in Harajuku and I saw E.J in Shibuya. The world is so small omfg?

Also, me and Eunkyum did another legendary purikura-shot. I love it.
