onsdag 4 augusti 2010

Ice cream city, namjatown & karaoke

This Wednesday me, Rina, Stephanie and Lucia went to the ice cream museum in Namjatown in Sunshine city which is in Ikebukuro (haha oh wow the sentence). There were so many different tastes of ice creams and I never wanted to leave! I ended up tasting an ice cream that had the taste of some specific Hokkaido-milk and it was creamy and tasty, ahhh fatty om nom nom. Rina took the ice cream one and Stephanie took the caramel one, both of them were really tasty too! Anyhow, I don't think it's possible to order one of the ice creams at that counter that wouldn't be amazing.

After the ice cream museum me, Lucia and Stephanie went karaoke:ing and I sang 2NE1's "Fire" obviously and some other songs, damn it's so hard to sing in Korean. Lucia apparently has an amazing voice and she sang some Whitney Houston song all perfectly, crazy gurl! It was nice meeting them during the summer vacation now but Stephanie already left for Singapore now and it was more like a girls-hangout before we get separated during the vacation. However, me and Lucia are already planning on having a hangout with people in Yoyogi koen! たのしみ!

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