I really tried to take a good picture of holding up my meal but I failed completely. Next time I'll just put it somewhere and take a picture. However, I bought some kind of fried fish with something that tasted like kimchi with bamboo!
Wisdom of today;
Japanese people love their beans. As I took a walk along the small alleys of my city I found a great supermarket that Ralf showed me the other day. I looked at all things before I bought them and I must say... I didn't know that beans could have that many added flavors. I even tried natto yesterday which is fremented soy beans, if I'm correct? EW, was my reaction. But I'm going to give it a try in some weeks... however, I bought an onigiri today and I didn't know what was inside until I tasted it AND OF COURSE IT'S BEANS INSIDE. Facepalm.
Dude, tips, prova inte grönt-te-glass med bönor i.. Den är HEMSK XD
SvaraRaderaÅååh... jag blir så himla sugen på att åka >_<