Japanese sweets must be the best! I personally don't know the name of that sweet (if anyone knows, let me know). The only thing I know is that it's sweetened beans in it, haha.
So, today has been another exploring-Itabashiku-day! But first I went to the my city's ward to issue my National Health Certificate. That is something that every student with a student VISA must have and it costs about 1200円 and it must be paid every month. If the police catch you, which they apparently tend to do with most white gaijin-guys and other foreign-looking people, you can/will be deported from Japan. Anyhow, the man who helped me only spoke Japanese (here we go again) but somehow I figured what to do etc. and he handed me a big blanket and laughed quite fatherly at me and told me I have to go home and do my homework = read the blanket.
I must say that I really appreciate that people speak Japanese all the time to me, even though I only understand like 20% of it. Obviously most people can't speak English but like my guest house mate Tetsu, his English is excellent but he still speaks Japanese with me. Thumps up!
So, other than all that I went to ドン キホーテ myself today! It was a bit of a walk but it felt like it only took 10 minutes (but it took like 30 minutes). As I just strolled around in the huge store containing everything and nothing BIG BANG's song "Tell me goodbye" started coming out of nowhere and I had this insane happy-go-lucky-moment. Once a fangirl, always a fangirl. Also, while in the store I bought どら焼き and when I went out of the store I bought a greentea ice cream, WAS IT TASTY! UH-HUH! Also, I found a panties crane-game.... ahahah.. I laughed my ass off. Seriously, it sucks not being able to take pictures, I want to show you guys so many things. But, please have patience as soon as I skype with my grandma tonight I'll tell her to send me the USB-cable!
Umm, other than that I went to my favourite super market and bought a obento-box filled with yummy things. I also bought an apple juice and a curry-package to make curry tomorrow! I think that the Japanese apple juice is a lot sweeter than the Swedish, but it will be puuurfect for breakfast.

As I bought all these items I took another walk around the small alleys and it felt great not to get lost but as the night was coming closer I figured it wouldn't be too great of an idea to walk further in case in get lost anyway. But on my way home a small grandpa comes up to me and starts talking to me. He seems very friendly but as a the suspicious person I am I get a little scared and he asks me if I'm American but I simply answer that I'm European and we walk until he turns to the left to go to his house and I say "Sayonara" and he smiles and says the same. When I come home I ask my guest house mates if it's usual that Japanese old people approach foreigners and they only said that it happens "...because Japanese older people have a lot of time". So, if someone comes up to me next time I'll be friendlier and practice my Japanese more, yay! I love those of the older generation that are not hostile to foreigners.
One day when my Japanese is good enough I'll approach the old lady that helped me find my way home when I got lost the first day and I'll thank her and give her a gift! :D
Did I mention that I am dearly in love with Tokyo?
National health someting something what? O_o vem har lurat dig att du behöver ett sånt? O_o eller menar du ditt gajin card/alien regestration card/gaikokujintorokushou (lol stavning) ? :O