Ever since I came to Tokyo I've had troubles sleeping, probably because of the time differences. Since I have no real alarm clock I decided that I should get one before school starts so I ended up going to ドン キホーテ and buying this one which costed 500円 approximately. I got pretty headshotted when I went to the 100円 shop and found alarm clocks that were five times cheaper. Buhu, but I bet no one can full off a pink alarm clock with a bunny and a bear like I do... hmm.
So today I walked to Ikebukuro with Ralf and I bought the wrong cable for my camera. Damn, it was a pink cable and I was so happy until I got home and realized it's the wrong one. I need a micro USB for my camera. Anyway, we also went to ZARA's and another cool Japanese clothing shop and I wanted to buy pretty much all the adidas shoes I saw. Uhhh.
I'm so tired now due to all the walking but this day has been very productive and I've seen more of Tokyo. Tomorrow I'll meet Miki and we're probably going to just hang out and I'll try to make her take me to Harajuku so that I can find the Wakanabe barber shop to book an appointment for permanently straighten my hair.
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