I got a Japanese cellphone today and I just can't believe it. Sofia and I went to Shin-Okubo today and to their Donquijote and I was very skeptic since you can't get a cellphone if you're not over 20 or if someone signs for you and you need an alien registration card. But, as we got there a really helpful and handsome and cute and loveable Japanese guy helped us. He was so damn charming that me and Sofia decided to come back sometime and buy something else, haha.... he was just amazing, it's so darn hard to get a cellphone, especially a prepaid one.
I've been hanging out with my long lost friend Sofia lately. We were like enemies for 4 years until I met her in Yoyogi koen at Swedish Midsummer and afterwards we just raided all the streets in Tokyo, laughing like hell, smiling and just enjoying the Tokyo atmosphere. Today we went to Shibuya to walk around and everything and we went to HMV and I asked for the Summer Sonic tickets. They are available and I'm going to buy one soon I think, I must go thereeeee to see my dearies BIG BANG. Talking about BIG BANG, I died when they played Haru Haru in a random kpop-store in Shin-Okubo, lol I love Shin-Okubo!
However, school has started and the morning classes are great. Though I must admit that the Tokyo rush hour in the morning really makes one tired before one has even arrived to school. My class is really good I think, there are five Korean people, one Swedish girl beside me, a Italian girl, a Spanish guy, a French girl, an Asian guy (I don't know where he's from), a British girl that has Chinese heritage and most people in my class can't speak English so I'm so happy. Paradoxal, right? I really wished for people who don't speak English because I believe it will be easier for me to learn Japanese since I will be forced to communicate with them in Japanese. Right now we're just doing the basics and I haven't learned a lot of new things yet since we're basically rehearsing hiragana and some simple words. I do however enjoy my school a lot and I signed up for the nomihoudai/izakaya/karaoke-thingie that will be held on 16th of July, yatta!
Also, today I met another internet-pal of mine - Dai. We met pretty late and he took me to Shinjuku. This was the second time I went there and it was a lot better this time since I actually got some guidance, haha. We went to a big tower (not Tokyo tower) that had a free entrance and it was on the 45th floor and the view was just breathtaking. I took several pictures, please be patient! :) ... also, afterwards we went to an izakaya where everything costed 270円 and Dai was starving so he ended up ordering too much, he also bought a fruity alcohol drink to me, haha I was very thankful. We talked a lot about music, especially X Japan since he's a really big fan. I don't mind them, I really like some of their songs ... ok actually I kind of love 90% of their songs but I never thought of myself as a real fan. However, we decided that next time we meet we're going to watch the whole last concert and go to a horror restaurang. Haha, I love this place and I love most of the people.
Gosh, it's 12:49 AM and I have to wake up at 7 AM tomorrow... going to take a shower now and then curl my hair. I bought a curling iron at some real nice shop for only 980円!
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