Today I met up with one of my internet interpal-friends Yuki whom I've stayed in touch with for over a year. I was 15 minutes late... Japanese people are so punctual so it must be really frustrating for them to wait for someone as me. However, I don't know how long time anything takes yet so I just guess and I end up being late. However, Yuki still waited for me even though I was 15 minutes late without letting him now. We met at Hachiko in Shibuya and then we went walking to Yoyogi koen and we just sat there and looked at people. The Sundays are always packed with people everywhere and we just wanted to find a place where we could sit and not die due to the humidity. Yoyogi koen was a good choice. Now, after that we decided to walk around further and we went to a big toy store with 5 stores. It was interesting I must say and I wanted to buy a lot of things! Later we decided to walk around in Omotesando and then we headed to Starbucks and I bought a lime cake and maccha frappucino. After all that I kinda felt full up and I also decided not to eat sweet stuff in Tokyo for a long time from now on. Two days ago I only ate three ice creams in a day and nothing else... so, no more sweets for a while. Yuki also took me to a sushi restaurant where the small plates are rolling around in a circle and you pick what you want to eat. I forced him to take purikura pictures with me and we did, but he felt so embarrassed hahaha! However, I got free lashes as well so it was pretty nice. I think I'll start using fake lashes soon, all Japanese girls do! After that I thought I'd die seriously, humidity and nausea! It's all fine now tho and at 09.30 we took the train home in different directions. It was a very nice day at least to say and we'll meet again this coming week.

Actually I washed my clothes for the first time in my life today and I felt so prooooud! Like a housewife, hahaha kidding. Anyhow, it's another memorable day!

Yesterday I celebrated Swedish "Midsommar" in Yoyogi koen with other Swedish students and some Korean and Japanese people. I had a blast and I got too wasted to keep my white converse clean. Many fun things happened and I bonded with people from my new school that I will start on tomorrow. On the way home a Japanese guy couldn't button his raincoat so I helped him even though I was totally drunk, hahaha it was a pretty funny moment. Also, Ralf fell inbetween the train and the train gate - it was pretty funny but horrible and he managed to get out alive. We walked from Ikebukuro because the Toei Mita Line is too darn expensive. Of course we went to Don Quijote on the way to buy ice cream... seriously, no more sweets.
Also, the Korean people that I met yesterday were so sweet and they screamed out of joy when I asked them if they liked Epik high and BIG BANG and they gave me two paperfigures of Seungri and TOP. HAHA, the cutest peepz evur!
Förståeligt att han kände sig lite embarrassed XD
SvaraRaderaPuri med en tjej och en kille är något som par gör, inte kompisar XD (generellt sett alltså, finns såklart undantag :D )
HAHAHAHA ja jag tänkte på det sen! han gjorde massa hjärtan runt en bild, hahahahaha... asså, aja xD