I've already managed to pimp my cellphone. I bought the chain with BIG BANG pictures at a Korean music shop in Shin-Okubo. Today when I and Sofia walked through Shin-Okubo we spotted a really hot-looking guy that gave us eye contact and very welcomly said "irasshaimase" but we decided to go there later. When we returned he smiled just like before and this time we went inside to look at the things and I decided to buy the BIG BANG-chain just because he was SO DAMN HOT, haha! So, when I got to the cashier desk he stared at us and I was too shy as usual so I just looked down. As he returned the change I dropped 100 yen and he really wanted to help so he kneeled down aswell but I was like "daijobu, daijobu!" and so we all just stood there as we were about to go he asked us where we're from. Sofia started talking and I was just so embarrassed and mesmerized at the same time and they talked a little but I was in total embarrassment-pain so I was like ".e...e.... matane!" and Sofia was like "YOU DISSED HIM, HE WANTED TO TALK OH MY GOD!". However, as soon as we got out we screamed in extreme fangirlishness and decided to go there again on Friday because she's going to buy some korean things to her friend who loves korean music. THAT TIME I WON'T BE SHY, ALRIGHT.
Besides, the guy looked like a ten times hotter version of Junhyung from BEAST. Talking of BEAST, they're coming to Tokyo tomorrow and having a fanmeeting. It's in Shinkiba Studio Coast, I'd love to go there but it costs 5000 yen.
Det är därför jag inte ens kollar upp när koreanska band kommer till tokyo. :( för.. jag har inte råd och blir så ledsen. : ( muehe
SvaraRaderaMalin: skitliv!