söndag 11 juli 2010

Dropping your pants while jogging around the imperial palace

I didn't take any pictures today because my bag was simply too full with things and it was raining heavily too. However, I met up with Yuki today in Shibuya and headed for the Imperial Palace where we were going to jog around. Some things came up pretty unexpectedly and the first thing was that we apparently went to an adidas-store because they had showers and lockers and we paid like 600円 for that. Now, this is what I love and hate about Japan - you pay for such a simple thing as a shower. But the thing is also that they fill the prices with other juicy service, for instance we got a coach that stretched with us for like ten minutes. I died laughing because it was so unexpected and he was so nice and all, but still... and the showers had free schampoo and conditioners and body wash. You also got free body lotion and access to a blow dryer.

Now, imagine jogging around the imperial palace when it's raining like never before. My first thought was "ah, well it's fine... I've been jogging in this weather before". Jogging in the rain was definitely no problem, what was a problem though was that my pants fell off in the middle of the street because I hadn't been able to knit them that well. It was impossible to keep them on so I simply ended up holding my jogging pants while jogging. It was quite an experience... jogging around the imperial palace holding your pants while it's raining. Haha, I'm still laughing.

After that Yuki treated me to korean dinner, since he promised me he'd do that because I passed IB. Once again I ate the vegetarian version of bibimbab!!! I FAIL, I love to eat that with meat but somehow I always manage to order the wrong one.

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