söndag 25 juli 2010

Upcoming week!

There's a lot of things happening lately and the coming week (that is today actually since it's 1:02 AM in Japan now) and I thought I would let you guys know beforehand so you know what you can expect from this blog the coming week. First of all I'm getting my 夏休み (= natsuyasumi, = summer vacation) this Friday and it's lasting from the 30th of July to 22nd of August! Sooo..

Wednesday (28th of July);
* Midterm exams!
* Cho's birthday party @ our favorite Korean izakaya
* Buy a birthday present for Cho

Thursday (29th of July);
* Meet my internet-friend Ryosuke and celebrate hanabi with him and his friends

Friday (30th of July);
* School party - celebrating the natsuyasumi!

Saturday (31st of July);
* The biggest hanabi-festival in Asakusa with Nana and some other friends

Sunday (1st of August);
* Hang out with Nana, probably bigass shopping and enjoying the natsuyasumiii :)

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