Yesterday me and some Swedish friends who live in Japan (along with a Japanese guy) went to a izakaya for nomihoudai (= drink as much as you want for a fixed amount of money). We went there because our friend Sofia who had come to Tokyo for a visit was to leave for Sweden today and we had to have one last celebration with her. We ordered all sorts of cocktails and drinks, however in Japan the drinks are so weak that most people don't get drunk but I drank several cocktails to try out and got ridiculously drunk and took tons of pictures. Shota became my nomitomi (drinking buddy) because I decided so apparently, LOL don't know why. I remember our table cheering for another table of Japanese salary men drinking and then when we were about to leave I was so happy and I just randomly went up to a group of Japanese guys and asked them if they were Japanese and they said yes of course and then they asked me where I was from (I don't remember/understand how I understood them speaking in Japanese) and they asked me what kind of music I liked and the only thing I said was "Laruku" HAHAHAHAHA. OUT OF ALL MY FAVORITE BANDS IN THE WORLD I SAID LARUKU. Omg, hilarious.
Anyhow, the night was so much fun and when I came home at 11:40PM I seriously crashed in my bed and died for 13 hours. Woke up like 13PM today. Seriously, I've been so tired this week managing only to sleep like four hours a night due to school.
Tonight I'm going to La Fayette with Nana and some of her friends. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope it'll be fun.
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